
German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix


The German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix, a rare mixed breed born from the interbreeding of the robust German Shepherd and the charming Shih Tzu, presents a fascinating blend of traits. Often referred to as the German Shih Tzu, this mix embodies the significant differences in both appearances and temperaments of its parent breeds. The German Shepherd is renowned for its confident and alert nature, establishing them as excellent watchdogs. On the other hand, the Shih Tzu tends to be more reserved.

This unique combination can occasionally confuse the dog, especially in discerning protective instincts and the need for social interaction. From my experience, the German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix can be complex to socialize with, potentially inheriting the German Shepherd’s inclination to be aggressive when feeling intimidated or threatened. This emphasizes the critical role of the owner in ensuring proper training and socialization. Despite these challenges, when well-trained and socialized, this breed can be extremely loyal and rank among the best companion dogs. Their loyalty, protective instincts, and loving nature make them an intriguing choice for those willing to invest time in their upbringing.

Photo of German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix:  Characteristics, Temperament, and Behavior

Height14–25 inches
Weight15–50 pounds
Lifespan12–15 years
ColoursWhite, grey, black, tan, gold, and brown
Suitable forActive families, couples, and experienced owners
TemperamentA Loyal, living, intelligent, trainable, friendly, and good with children individual

German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix is a unique and intriguing blend of two popular 

breeds. This hybrid often inherits the intelligence and loyalty of the German Shepherd, along with the playful and affectionate nature of the Shih Tzu. Generally, these dogs are alert, making them excellent watchdogs. They tend to be quite friendly, enjoying the company of their human families and other pets. However, they can sometimes be a bit stubborn, requiring a patient and consistent training approach. The German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix usually adapts well to various living environments, as long as they receive enough mental and physical stimulation. They typically have a moderate energy level, enjoying walks and playtime but appreciating relaxed time at home. This mix often shows a deep attachment to their family members, making them loyal and loving companions.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix Puppies

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix puppies, a less popular yet adorable dog in the hybrid dog category, often fall on the lower price end of the cost spectrum compared to trendier doodle breeds. These mixes can sometimes be found in a shelter, offering a unique blend of traits and companionship.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix: 3 Little-Known FactsMix

Shih Tzus Are an Ancient Breed

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix combines the ancient breed of the Shih Tzu, hailing from ancient Tibet and over 1,000 years old, with the robust German Shepherd. This blend creates a unique dog that mirrors the serene wisdom of its ancient lineage and the dynamic versatility of its more modern counterpart. My experience with these dogs has revealed a harmonious balance of historical depth and contemporary adaptability.

German Shepherds Make Great Guide Dogs

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix, a combination of the first dog bred explicitly for aiding the blind person, encapsulates the high intelligence and loyal, loving nature inherent in its German Shepherd lineage. Renowned as an ideal service dog, my personal experiences affirm their innate ability to guide and support, making them invaluable companions. This mix inherits the German Shepherd’s exemplary qualities, enhancing them with the unique charm of the Shih Tzu.

They’re Quite Athletic

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix merges the graceful ways of its ancestors into an athletic dog that excels in agility courses. This blend harnesses the German Shepherd’s renowned athleticism, creating a versatile companion adept in agility and everyday activities. Their spirited agility is a testament to the German Shepherd’s lineage, offering a unique perspective on athleticism in mixed breeds.

German Shepherd mix owners should keep these things in mind:

Owning a German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix, a fantastic hybrid dog, brings together a personality that is both caring and dynamic. This mix combines the protective nature of the German Shepherd with the affectionate temperament of the Shih Tzu, creating a loyal and loving companion. Their blended personality traits make them ideal for families seeking a balance of care and playfulness.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Pros and Cons


Exploring the German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix, it’s evident that this breed inherits Pros such as High intelligence, making them quick learners and adaptable to various situations. Their nature as Exceptional guard dogs stems from the German Shepherd’s lineage, complemented by the unwavering Loyalty often seen in Shih Tzus. 


 Consider a Tendency to bark excessively, which can be challenging, and they Might be reserved or aggressive in unfamiliar situations. This mix demands patient training and socialization to balance their protective instincts and companionship needs.

German Shepherd Vs. Shih Tzu: 

A Comparison Comparing the German Shepherd and the Shih Tzu reveals distinct differences. The German Shepherd, originating from Germany, is 22 to 26 inches tall, weighs 50 to 90 pounds, and belongs to the Herding group. They are large dogs with high compatibility with children and families but low compatibility with other pets. Known for frequent barking, they have normal shedding levels and are not hypoallergenic. Their grooming needs are Low and generally have Medium to High overall health. With medium energy and high exercise needs, they are highly trainable and excel in agility, herding, and obedience. They typically don’t face complications in breeding, with a litter size of 6 to 8 puppies and a life span of 9 to 13 years.

The Shih Tzu, on the other hand, hails from China, with a height of 8 to 11 inches and a weight of 9 to 16 pounds. As a small-sized Toy group dog, they have Medium compatibility with children, families, and other pets. Their barking level is Medium, and they have an average shedding level but are hypoallergenic. Shih Tzus has high grooming needs, tends to have low overall health, and possesses low to medium energy. They have Medium exercise needs and trainability and are primarily known as companion dogs. Breeding complications are generally absent, with a litter size of 2 to 5 puppies and a life span of 10 to 17 years.

This contrast highlights the vastly different characteristics these breeds bring to their offspring, the German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Temperament

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu Temperament is a captivating mix of the typical temperaments of its parent breeds. These dogs are inherently loyal, affectionate, and intelligent, traits that make the offspring of the German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix not just pets but lovable companions. They thrive on lots of attention, displaying an energetic and outgoing character. The influence of the German Shepherd parent can introduce a bit of stubbornness, while the Shih Tzu parent contributes to their affectionate disposition. This blend creates a unique personality profile, making them well-suited for families or individuals who appreciate an active yet loving dog. Their intelligent nature also means they respond well to consistent training, balancing their energetic traits with disciplined behaviour.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Training

Training a German Shepherd Shih Tzu, a mixed breed, requires understanding the character traits they may inherit from both the German Shepherd and the Shih Tzu. The gene pool can be dominant in shaping their behaviour. Early training and socialization are vital to prevent the development of undesired qualities like aggressiveness or stubbornness. It’s advisable to begin socialized obedience training as early as eight weeks of age. Their intelligence means they learn quickly and efficiently, but House-breaking can be difficult, requiring consistent efforts in potty training. Since they tend to bark, teaching them to stop barking on command is essential. Utilizing Positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviours and consistent training will mould them into a better companion, balancing the best qualities of both their parent breeds.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Exercise Needs

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix, blending two distinct breeds, necessitates a unique approach to exercise sessions. These should be short yet structured, focusing on moderate exercises to avoid the risk of overwork or exhaustion. It’s essential to refrain from engaging them in tedious practices as it could do more harm than good. Ideally, about 1 hour of activity twice daily, including walking or jogging, is sufficient. This routine not only keeps them physically fit but also mentally stimulated. Regular exercise is crucial to prevent obesity and other adverse health problems. As a mix of an active and a companion breed, their training needs strike a balance, ensuring they stay healthy without being overwhelmed.

Exercise Needs Overview

The Exercise Needs Overview for a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix reflects a balanced energy profile. Their Energy Level is typically Medium, suitable for families or individuals with a moderately active lifestyle. When it comes to Exercise Needs, they also fall into the Medium range, requiring regular but not overly strenuous activities to stay healthy and happy. The Playfulness of this mix is notably High, often displaying a joyful and energetic disposition during playtime. Intensity varies from Medium to High, depending on the individual dog’s personality and inherited traits. This breed thrives on a blend of physical activities and mental stimulation, making them a delightful and engaging companion for those who can match their playful and active nature.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Grooming

German Shepherd Shih Tzus require regular grooming to maintain their coat and avoid skin infections and matting. Brushing with a suitable grooming comb should be done at least twice daily to maintain a healthy coat and check the skin condition. Also, their teeth should be brushed twice weekly to prevent plaque buildup and dental problems. Grooming sessions are also the perfect time for cleaning their ears and trimming their nails, which are essential in their overall health care routine. Regular grooming keeps them looking their best, provides an opportunity to bond with your pet, and ensures early detection of potential health issues.

Grooming Overview

The Grooming Overview highlights some important considerations for the German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix. Their amount of Shedding is generally Medium to High, necessitating a consistent grooming routine to manage loose fur and maintain coat health. As for how Easy to Groom they are, this mix falls into the Medium category. It requires regular brushing, bathing, and other grooming practices but is less high-maintenance than other breeds. Regular grooming keeps their coat in good condition and strengthens the bond between the dog and its owner, making it a rewarding experience for both. Balancing shedding management with routine grooming care is critical to keeping these charming dogs looking and feeling their best.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Health

When considering the health of a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix, it’s important to dispel the myth that mixed breeds are always healthier. While they may have some advantages, they are not immune to health issues. Prospective owners should inquire about the parents’ health history from the breeder to better understand potential risks.

Their Basic Health is rated Medium, with a tendency for Weight Gain Possibilities ranging from Medium to High. One common health issue is Hip Dysplasia, a joint condition affecting the bones in the rear legs, causing pain and potentially being fatal if not treated. Its visible symptoms are often hereditary and can be exacerbated by factors like obesity, injuries, or wrong exercises. Treatments may include medication, hip replacement, or other surgeries.

Another concern is Elbow Dysplasia, a structural defect in the elbow joints that can lead to cartilage damage and inflammation. This condition, often seen in large-breed dogs, can result in arthritis and pain, leading to organ malfunction. Obesity is a significant risk for these dogs, as excess weight can lead to joint problems, back pain, digestive disorders, and heart disease. They are prone to this condition, so a proper diet and exercise regimen are crucial.

Allergies, both to food and environmental factors like pollen or grass, can also be an issue. Owners might need to conduct allergy tests if their pet shows signs of breathing issues or skin itching. Treatments can include allergy shots or avoiding exposure to allergens. Cataracts, presenting as a white film on the eye lens, can make it opaque and are often genetically transmitted, especially prevalent due to Shih Tzu genes, leading to untreated blindness. Bladder Infections are another concern and can be painful, requiring medical treatment. Finally, an underbite, more common in an interbred puppy with Shih Tzu genes, results in an undershot or wider lower jaw, affecting the alignment of the upper and lower teeth.

While this mix can be an excellent companion, awareness and proactive management of these potential health issues are vital to ensuring a healthy, happy life for your German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Diet & Nutrition

The dietary needs of a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix must be tailored to their unique characteristics as a mixed breed. Providing Two meals a day with a nutritious diet that aligns with the dog’s size and energy level is essential. Given their susceptibility to joint diseases, incorporating supplements like chondroitin, glucosamine, and Omega 3 fish oils into their diet can be beneficial. Monitoring their calorie intake and managing treatment quantity is crucial to prevent obesity, which can be particularly dangerous for this breed.

German Shepherd Shih Tzu Living Conditions

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix, blending traits of a lapdog and a robust companion, requires a living environment that matches its needs. They are devoted companions who bond closely with their owners and are not suited to being sheltered outdoors. These dogs thrive in an environment where they are amused with toys and activities to keep them busy. While they are generally good-natured and can play well with children and older family members, proper training is necessary to avoid aggressiveness. Additionally, due to their mixed heritage, they may not tolerate high temperatures or humidity well, making climate control a vital consideration. Providing a loving and interactive home environment is critical to ensuring the wellbeing and happiness of a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix

Things To Remember Before Interbreeding

When contemplating interbreeding a German Shepherd and a Shih Tzu, it’s crucial to understand the complexities involved. This process should be undertaken with seriousness, as the significant differences in size and temperament between these breeds can pose challenges. Ethical breeding practices demand a thorough knowledge of each breed’s genetic predispositions and health issues. Potential breeders should also consider the welfare of both parent dogs and the resulting puppies, ensuring they are bred for health and temperament rather than just appearance. It’s important to consult with veterinary and breeding experts to understand the full scope of responsibilities and potential risks involved in creating a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix. Responsible breeding is critical to ensuring the health and well-being of both the parent breeds and their offspring.

Are Shih Tzu German Shepherd Mixes Good for Families?

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix can be an excellent pet for families, with or without children, including teens and small children. However, their large size, inherited from the German Shepherd, means that as a mixed breed, they can be on the bigger side and might accidentally injure a small child. Families should keep a close eye on when youngsters interact with the dog. It’s crucial to Educate children on the proper ways to interact with pets, such as not bothering them while eating, not rough house, or pulling on their ears or tail. With efficient training and socialisation, these dogs can learn to behave well around kids. Respectful interactions between children and pets are critical to a harmonious household with a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix.

Final Thoughts

The German Shepherd Shih Tzu Mix can be a great dog for almost everyone, thanks to their loving, intelligent, and athletic nature. This mix can adapt well for an active family, a couple, or an individual with a home and a big backyard. Training and socialization are the key to ensuring they become a wonderful companion for years to come. Their unique blend of traits from both parent breeds offers a balance of affection, intelligence, and energy, making them suitable for various lifestyles. However, like any breed, they require commitment and understanding of their specific needs to truly thrive. With the right care and attention, a German Shepherd Shih Tzu mix can be a delightful addition to any home.


1. What Does a Shepherd-Shih Tzu Mix Look Like?

The Shepherd-Shih Tzu mix can exhibit a range of appearances, often blending characteristics from both breeds. They may have the stature of a German Shepherd or the smaller, more compact size of a Shih Tzu. Their coat could vary from the long, silky hair of the Shih Tzu to the denser, shorter coat of a German Shepherd, with possible color combinations reflecting either parent breed.

2. How Big Do Shepherd-Shih Tzu Mixes Get?

The size of a Shepherd-Shih Tzu mix can greatly vary, depending on which parent breed they take after more. They can range from medium to large size, typically weighing anywhere from 20 to 70 pounds. It’s important to consider the potential size range when bringing a Shepherd-Shih Tzu mix into your home.

3. What is the Temperament of a Shepherd-Shih Tzu Mix?

These mixes often inherit the intelligence and loyalty of the German Shepherd combined with the affectionate and playful nature of the Shih Tzu. They can be great family pets, adaptable to different living situations. However, their temperament can also depend on their upbringing and training, so early socialization and consistent training are important.

4. Are Shepherd-Shih Tzu Mixes Easy to Train?

Given their intelligent and eager-to-please nature, Shepherd-Shih Tzu mixes can be relatively easy to train. They respond well to positive reinforcement techniques. It’s important to start training and socialization early to ensure they grow up to be well-rounded dogs. However, they may inherit the stubborn streak of the Shih Tzu, so patience and consistency are key.

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